Joe Jencks

The Wonder Deep Within

This song came directly out of a mediation session. I resisted at first.  It's pretty religious for a folkie like me… but sometimes when we create enough serenity in our lives…truth finds us instead of us finding it.  I cannot describe the serenity and joy I feel when singing this song.  Someday I would love to record it with a full orchestra and massive choir.  Till then…

My soul knows that I belong to you
Even though my mind cannot conceive
Of the promise in the love you give
If only I could let my heart believe

You are my rock, you are my strength
You are a friend to me
Through the hard and lonely places that I roam
You are the source of my compassion
You are a hope for peace
You are the wonder deep within
You are my home

You have never turned away from me
Though I have often closed my heart to you
But you wait with open arms for my return
Ready to embrace me with your truth

There is a longing from within my soul
For serenity that only you can give
It is up to me to make a sacred place
At the center of my life where you can live

Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison
(Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy)
Words and Music © 2004 Joe Jencks, Turtle Bear Music