February Tour News and Ponderings
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Dr, George Washington Carver
Dear Friends in Music,
I hope February is off to a good start for all of you.
February is an auspicious month in many regards. February 1st is the feast day of the Catholic Saint Brigid. Brigid is the namesake of my mother’s people in Ireland – Kilbride (church or servants of Brigid). In the ancient Celtic calendar, it is called Imbolc. The feast of the goddess Brigid and the 1st day of spring! And it is my birthday. Feels like a good day to have come into the world.
February is also Black History month. In case you have not recently read up on him, I recommend learning more about Dr. George Washington Carver. He is not celebrated nearly enough in my opinion. And he was so much more than a guy who worked with Peanuts. A true renaissance man. February also holds St. Valentine’s Day and President’s Day. And it is the birth month of many fine Aquarius and Pisces people, the 11th and 12th signs of the western astrological Zodiac.
This February finds me first in New York state – performing this weekend for Old Songs in Voorheesville, NY this Friday night. Then down to NYC for a concert at the People’s Voice Café with my dear friend – Rod MacDonald. We always have fun performing together, and this will be no exception. I’ve known Rod since I was in my teens and he is hands down one of my favorite songwriters.
Next weekend I will fly to Colorado for a couple appearances – specifically a concert for Quantum Arts at Avogadro’s Number in Fort Collins, hosted by Folk DJ Steve Brockway. Quantum Arts is one of the premier arts organizations on the front range in Colorado, and it is always a pleasure to sing for the good people with whom they are in community.
Then it’s home for the last part of February to begin work on my next recording project. More on that in the coming weeks and months.
Last but not least – you can tune in TONIGHT and SUNDAY to hear my radio show: My Highway Home. This week’s broadcast features an interview with the fabulous Canadian musician Al Parrish and his beloved life partner – Wendy Pearle. (Al was also born on February 1st. Are you catching a theme yet?)
This episode of My Highway Home also features an ALL Canadian line-up of musicians including Dave Gunning, Maria Dunn, Ritchie - Parrish - Ritchie, Ken Whiteley, Gathering Sparks (Eve Goldberg & Jane Lewis), Ariane Lemir, Suzie Vinnick, Kim Beggs, Galitcha, and of course, Al Parrish.
I started this show last year – thanks to Ron Olesko’s invitation to contribute programming to the new All-Folk internet radio station – Folk Music Notebook. You can tune in tonight, February 5th at 9:00 PM ET/ 6:00 PM CT (also tonight at 2:00 AM ET/ 11:00 Pm Pacific), and on Sunday February 9th, at 1:00 PM ET/ 10:00 Pacific.
May you be well in all things, and may your days be hopeful even on the coldest of winter days. Hope to see you at a concert soon!
In Gratitude and Song,
Joe Jencks