Joe Jencks


Joe Jencks - August News, Tours, and Info

Joe Jencks  August News Tours and Info

8-25-16 Joe Jencks Newsletter

Dear Friends,

My ostensibly monthly newsletter is going out for the first time in nearly six months. When I promise that you will not be badgered with excess email by being on my mailing list – I certainly mean it! It has been a delight to see so many of you at concerts over the last six months, nonetheless. Thanks for staying tuned to the webpage, FB, Twitter, etc.. Your continued enthusiasm for live music and those of us who make it is a gift. And good music is the one of the best antidotes I know for the difficulties of the world around us.

Through deaths and births, losses and gains, ups and downs, moves and times of stagnation, it is the music and those who make it that keep me going. Thanks for being a part of the fabric of the community of musicians, listeners, DJs, presenters, and countless volunteers who make the magic happen.

Speaking of which, I will be performing this weekend close to home with solo concerts in Flossmoor, IL at Route One House Concerts, in Chicago, IL at WFMT’s FolkStage – hosted by Rich Warren, and at Windy City House Concerts also in Chicago, hosted by Lee Herman.

Next week I am off to Texas for several solo performances in Cuero, San Antonio, and Austin, culminating with a concert at the Kerrville Fall Folk Festival! Additional solo shows coming up in September in State College, PA and in Nutley, NJ. More information can be found on the tour schedule online and pasted below.

This weekend – and for the next two weeks – Sirius XM (The Village and The Bridge) will be broadcasting a live performance Brother Sun gave a few weeks back at their studios in Washington, D.C. The premier will air on Sunday Aug 28 -“The Village Folk Show” on The Bridge, SiriusXM ch32 and on the SiriusXM App @ 6 am-10 am ET and 8 -12 midnight PT. BROTHER SUN LIVE! We’ll be on around 9 AM ET and 11 PM PT. This show will rebroadcast on SiriusXM The Village ch741 online in the USA and Canada all week (6x). Thanks to MarySue Twohy for a GREAT interview.

In other news: This fall I intend to release my long awaited solo CD: Poets, Philosophers, Workers, and Wanderers. One cut off of the CD (The Longest Night of The Year) was pre-released last December, and was the number 1 song on the North American Folk DJ Chart for December! Thank you one and all for your support, encouragement, and faith. The CD sounds fantastic and just as soon as I get the graphics in order it will be off to the copy house.

Thanks to Charlie Pilzer at Airshow Mastering in Takoma Park, MD for helping me to wrangle this project off the range and into the corral. Thanks also to all of the marvelous musicians for their notable contributions including: Ysaye Barnwell, Tret Fure, Edie Carey, Reggie Harris, Harpeth Rising, Jon Carroll, Jim Robeson, Cathy Fink, Cheryl Prashker, Heather Styka, David Glaser, Grace Jencks, and so many more. I can’t wait to get this CD into your hands and share the work that has taken so long to complete, but that is so deeply satisfying to my heart.

Last but not least I am officially opening up slots for my 2017 Ireland trip with Inishfree Tours. I will be leading a 10-day a music filled tour through Counties Clare, Cork, and Kerry - October 6th -15th, 2017. For more information please respond to the newsletter or send a note to, and I will get you more information.

Hope to see you at a show soon!

In Gratitude and Song,

Joe Jencks