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Joe Jencks

Sunday, November 28, 2010

4:00 PM

Grayslake, IL

Joe Jencks In Concert

1561 Jones Point Rd. Grayslake, IL 60030

Website: The Barn at Prairie Crossing

Joe Jencks in Concert, a partial fund raiser. Sunday, November 28 at 4pm, Byron Colby Barn, 1561 Jones Point Rd. Grayslake Il. 60030.

$15 each adult, children under 16 are free. Cash or check at the door. "BYOB" $15 each adult, children under 16 are free.

$5 of your $15 will go to your choice of a Lake County  "not for profit"...United Way of Lake County, Prairie Crossing Charter School, Liberty Prairie Conservancy, Farm Education of the Liberty Prairie Foundation, A Safe Place, Save a Pet, or Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Information; Byron Colby Barn, 847.543.1202

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