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Joe Jencks

Friday, January 30, 2009

Dallas, TX

Joe Jencks opens for Andrew McKnight

9555 N. Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75231 USA

phone: 214-363-0044

Purchase tickets online: Click here to purchase tickets

Website: Uncle Calvins Coffeehouse

This will be a great show in well respected Texas concert series. Andrew is fantastic, and it will be a fun night!

Admission/Donation (unless otherwise noted): $12.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door
Teenagers/Children - 1/2 the adult price

Doors open at 7:30 pm, shows begin at 8:00 pm and usually go to 11pm
General admission - no table reservations

Uncle Calvin's Coffeehouse is held in the
Fellowship Hall of Northpark Presbyterian Church
9555 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75231

The Church is near the southwest corner of Central Expressway and Walnut Hill Lane -- very easy to spot.
Exit Central (75) @ Walnut Hill
Proceed on southbound access road of Central (75)
Turn Right on Glen America Drive
Take the first left into the church parking lot
Enter the doors facing Glen America. The fellowship hall is to the right

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