Joe Jencks

Friday, June 22, 2018

Altamont, NY

Joe Jencks in Concert

100 Main Street, Altamont, NY 12009


3:00 - 4:30 PM -AREA 3 CENTER STAGE Family Activity Area - Make the Most of Your Voice with Joe Jencks


11:15–12:15 - AREA 7 Musical Traditions, Cattle Building - Songs of the Spirit - *Joe Jencks, Lui Collins, Stu Fuchs, & Ellis

12:30–1:30 - AREA 2 Regional Traditions, 1890 Building - Power to the People - Joel Mabus, Joe Jencks, & *Bob Franke

3:00 - 4:00 PM - AREA 1 MAIN STAGE - Performance - Joe Jencks and Christine Lavin

4:15–5:15 - AREA 7 Musical Traditions, Cattle Building - Songs of Social Struggle -
Windborne, *Joe Jencks, Choc’late Allen, & Ellis


10:45–11:45 - AREA 2 Regional Traditions, 1890 Building - Songs That Change the Way You Look at Things - *Bob Franke - Peter Mayer Joe Jencks, Ellis

1:15–2:15 - AREA 2 Regional Traditions, 1890 Building - P.B. & Jelly - Stu Fuchs, & Joe Jencks

3:30 pm Main Stage: Concert MC Bill Spence & Roger the Jester -
Featuring: The Great Groove Band, Windborne, The Vox Hunters, Confluence, and Joe Jencks

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