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Joe Jencks

Friday, January 2, 2015

7:30 PM

Port Townsend, WA

Joe Jencks in Concert w/ guest Judith-Kate Friedman

Port Townsend, WA

phone: 360-385-1160

Price: $15.00

So... After years of knowing each other, but not having seen each other in a long time,  Judith Kate and I end up randomly, on a flight together from Boston to Chicago. And we got to talking about music and such, and she said - "Hey, you should come to Port Townsend and I'll host a concert for you sometime!" and I said, "OK. Great!"


Join us! Dundee Hill Neighborhood - at the home of Carol and Jake Meyer.

Note new start time: 8pm! RSVP: 360.643.1961 Partly w/chair accessible (Ramped steps to entrance). Reservations encouraged!

Contact Judith-Kate for address location:



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