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Joe Jencks

Friday, July 11, 2014 to Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Watervliet, MI

Joe Jencks Keynote Speaker & Presenter

Watervliet, MI

Purchase tickets online: Click here to purchase tickets

Website: Chalice Sparx - Family Camp

Joe will be presenting a series of keynote workshops at Chalice Sparx UU Family Camp.  We will examine various story telling forms and mediums, and look at how we can better tell our own stories and those of others. We will consider story telling as a form of ministry, and parable as a medium for teaching. From Hebrew and Christian scripture to the writings of Joseph Campbell, the art of a good story well told, is foundational in how we convey ideas, values, and aspirations. This summer, take some time to tell your stories, and learn more about how to bring this powerful communication device back into your communities, congregations, and families.

These workshops are for registered participants only.  Click on the ticket link for registration information.

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